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000086_news@columbia.edu_Tue Nov 8 20:20:48 1994.msg
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From: ken@coho.halcyon.com (Ken Pizzini)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: C-Kermit vs MS-Kermit
Date: 8 Nov 1994 20:20:48 GMT
Organization: What, me?
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(Sorry for continuing this thread in cpkm...)
In article <jhurwitCyxuD9.FGy@netcom.com>,
Jeffrey Hurwit <jhurwit@netcom.com> wrote:
>In article <39mf2a$lpf@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu>,
>Frank da Cruz (fdc@fdc.cc.columbia.edu) wrote:
>>Although it might be unfashionable these days, there still is quite
>>a lot to be said for assembly language, especially when memory and
>>addressability are at a premium.
> Oh, I wouldn't say that (unfashionable, that is). Shareware
> authors often advertise the fact if they wrote their programs in
> assembly, and sometimes go on to point out the advantages: A
> program that's small and fast. There's no compiler in the world
> that can optimize like a knowledgeable programmer. IMHO, well-
> written assembly is definitely a feature that savvy users look for.
The problem with assembly is that complicated-but-faster algorithms
are less likely to be used, and it is much more likely that arbritrary
limits on data sizes will be introduced in order to simplify programming.
Also modern compilers will do a better job of optimizing than a
mediocre programmer, in most cases. In the optimize-for-speed relm it
is much more fruitful to program in a high-level-language, profile the
resulting program, and hand-code only the routines thus determined to
be critical.
Then again, modern compilers are usually built to optimize for speed,
not space. If memory is tight hand-coded assembly still has an edge.
If nothing else it will encourage the programmer to leave out some
unnecessary bells and whistles.
--Ken Pizzini